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Province Reduces Barriers To Interprovincial Trade

The Manitoba government is removing a number of its exceptions under the Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA) to further reduce interprovincial trade barriers.
“Manitoba continues to lead work to reduce trade barriers within Canada, to create additional economic growth and benefit for all Manitobans,” said Premier Brian Pallister. “Our government was already a trailblazer in opening internal trade under the CFTA. We are again leading by example in reducing our already limited exceptions, and we encourage the federal and all other provincial and territorial governments to follow our course.”
The province is removing the following six exceptions under the CFTA to further reduce red tape and improve Manitoba’s economic advantage:
- restrictions on eligibility for forage leases on Crown land to residents of Manitoba;
- preference for Manitoba residents in the allocation, sale and lease of cottage lots, development in provincial parks and other Crown land;
- the monopoly on marketing of wholesale trade in fish through the Freshwater Fish Corporation;
- limitations on market access for services and investment in oil and gas pipelines;
- limitations on market access for services and investment in forestry and logging products, forest resource processing, services incidental to agriculture, hunting and forestry, manufacture of paper and paper products on a fee or contract basis; and
- preference for Manitoba companies in procurement for representational purposes.
As a result, Manitoba will be one of only two jurisdictions in Canada with no procurement exceptions under the CFTA. Manitoba is also narrowing one additional exception by removing preference for transferring or granting surplus Manitoba Hydro property to Manitoba residents.
“Breaking down trade barriers helps to grow investment and support job creation here in Manitoba,” said Pallister. “We will continue working to deliver on our commitment to make our province more open, trade friendly and prosperous.”
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