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Manitoba Agricultural and Resource Development is advising Manitoba landowners the deadline to apply for the Farmland School Tax Rebate (FSTR) is March 31. Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation (MASC) administers the program on behalf of the department. 
Residents of Manitoba who own farmland, to which school taxes apply, are eligible to apply for a rebate of up to 80 per cent on paid 2020 farmland school taxes (excluding farm residences and buildings) with a $5,000 limit per taxpayer (including all related people).
Property taxes and any penalties or interest charges for 2020 must be paid in full on or before March 31 to be eligible for the rebate.
The FSTR application must also be received by MASC on or before March 31.
Landowners who applied for a rebate in 2019 would have received an application package from MASC regarding the Farmland School Tax Rebate in the mail last October. MASC is encouraging applicants to submit their applications online through the myMASC portal. For instructions on how to apply for the rebate or to set up a myMASC account, visit
Application inquiries can be directed to or 204-726-7068.
Source : Manitoba

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