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Province To Implement New Regulations For Livestock In 2018

Changes to the Livestock Manure and Mortalities Management Regulation (LMMMR), which take effect Jan. 1, 2018, have been approved and implemented to provide clarity and modernize regulations.
Manitoba's Sustainable Development Minister Rochelle Squires made the announcement Tuesday.
“Our government recognizes the important balance of maintaining strict environmental oversight while supporting sustainable growth in the livestock industry,” said Squires. 
“Following extensive consultations, the Department of Sustainable Development has taken steps to modernize regulations without compromising our commitment to environmental protection.”
Changes to the regulation will improve clarity for both producers and department officials, while maintaining some of the country’s strictest regulatory requirements and environmental protection measures for livestock operations.
Pig operations will now be subject to the same robust legislation as other livestock sectors.
Squires noted these amendments align with recent changes to the Environment Act under red tape reduction legislation and continue to balance environmental protection with economic development.
Manitoba conducted extensive public and industry consultations in the process of developing changes, which include:
-empowering front-line staff to respond more quickly, and reducing notification and processing steps for permits;
-increasing transparency by placing more information on the public registry;
-harmonizing setbacks from surface water courses with the Nutrient Management Regulation and removing in-season nitrate limits;
-improving variance options to enhance biosecurity measures for industry;
-levelling the playing field by clarifying permit requirements for seasonal feeding areas and outdoor confinement areas for small pig operations; and
-monitoring of operations such as livestock drinking water samples based on risk, rather than mandatory samples for all large operations.
Source : Steinbachonline

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