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Pulse Crops And Canola Favoured Over Wheat And Durum In Saskatchewan

A grain market analyst favors pulse crops and canola over wheat and durum for spring seeding intentions in Saskatchewan.
Neil Townsend with G3 says pulse crops are in strong demand because of drought in India.
As well Townsend says, demand remains strong for some oilseeds,
Townsend says large supplies of wheat and durum continue to pressure the world market.   
Source : CKRM

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Soybean Leafminer

Video: Soybean Leafminer

Just as fields were drying down and harvest was nearing, the first case of a soybean field infested with soybean tentiform Leafminer was confirmed in Nebraska in late September. While there isn't too much cause for concern at this point, it's a good idea for producers to familiarize themselves with this new arrival.