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Purdue Extension Webinar Series Will Help Growers With Food Safety Plan Writing

By Keith Robinson
Growers implementing the principles of good agricultural practices will learn the essentials of a required, written food safety plan for their operation by participating in a series of Purdue Extension online workshops.
The one-hour sessions in the program called "Planning for Success: Food Safety Plan Writing" will begin Thursday (June 4) and be offered via WebEx. Presenters will leave enough time for questions from participants.
Growers adapting good agricultural practices, known as GAPs, and seeking third-party certification are required to have a written food safety plan for their farm. 
"Many growers find plan-writing to be one of the most challenging hurdles as they work to achieve third-party certification," said Scott Monroe, Purdue Extension food safety educator and organizer of the series. "The programs are designed so that growers can participate over a lunch hour and get answers to current questions they may have as they work through the plan writing process."
The series schedule (all times noon to 1 p.m. EDT):
* June 4: "Written Food Safety Plan Basics."
* June 9: "Policies, Procedures and Documentation."
* June 18: "Food Safety Protocols - What's Out There."
* July 1: "Using Templates and Other Resources."
To join the program, go to To participate by audio only, call 888-854-1541.

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