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Rain and Heat Promote Manitoba Crop Growth Spurt

A combination of warmer temperatures and rain has given crops in Manitoba a good boost.
Manitoba Agriculture released its weekly Crop Report Tuesday.
Dane Froese, the Industry Development Specialist-Oilseeds with Manitoba Agriculture, says crops have really put on a good growth spurt in the last week to week and a half.
Clip-Dane Froese-Manitoba Agriculture:
We've had near normal heat accumulations throughout much of the province so that's really encouraged some growth as well as having decent amounts of rainfall occurring over much of southern, southwestern and northwestern Manitoba.
Crops in those areas have put up some decent growth, particularly corn and soybeans and sunflowers, the later season crops that really benefitted from that heat, that moisture.
Cereals, at this point, it was a little bit late to benefit any yield potential there however the moisture is certainly helping to contribute to yield and grain head fill.
We didn't have a great start to the 2019 crop year.
It was mostly very dry and quite cool for most parts of Agro-Manitoba and that delayed development early on.
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