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Rapid Manitoba Harvest Progress in Canola

The Manitoba harvest is near two-third complete, with plenty of canola coming off this past week.

The latest weekly crop report on Tuesday pegged the overall harvest in the province at 65% complete, up from about 50% the previous week and 4 points ahead of the five-year average. An estimated 63% of the Manitoba canola crop was in the bin, compared to just 32% a week earlier

However, canola (and flax) regrowth continues to be a harvest issue in a number of fields, the report said, noting that ripe main stems have begun branching below the crop canopy, sending up new green growth that is blooming amongst ripe pods and bolls.

Spring wheat, barley and oats are now all at least 90% harvested, with field peas completely finished. The flax crop is about 25% harvested, with 6% of the dry beans and 2% of the soybeans off. Many more combines are expected to be going in soybean crops by this weekend, beginning in the Central and Eastern regions.

Forage and pasture regrowth is now sufficient to support grazing without feed supplementation in most areas. Producers are considering taking a second alfalfa/grass cut where regrowth is sufficient.


Cooler, cloudy weather dominated this past week, with heavy showers falling along the border Monday afternoon. Recent weather has been conducive to harvest, with moderate daytime highs, coupled with light winds and cool nights for grain aeration. Good weather throughout the week allowed producers to accelerate harvest activities.

Harvest is estimated at as much as 55 to 60% complete. Yields are highly variable. Many report better than expected yields, considering the year. Pea harvest is complete, early yields are reported in the 40 to 50 bu/ac range. Cereal harvest has progressed well to 80 to 85% complete. Barley is 90% harvested, with yields at 55 to 80 bu/acre. Spring wheat harvest is 75% done and yielding 40 to 55 bu/acre. Oats harvest 90% and are coming in the 65 to 90 bu/ac range. Good quality and weight are reported in most of the harvested cereals. Protein levels are average to above average in lower-yielding fields. Cereal straw is being dropped; baling is right behind the combine and bales are being removed from fields within a short period.

Canola harvest completion has quite a range, from 40% to 45% complete; several producers are waiting to finish the last few fields. Strong winds have blown canola swaths around, making combining a challenge. Canola yields were reported in the 25 to 40 bu/ac range depending on the variety and moisture conditions during the growing season.


A decent week of weather for harvest to progress across the region. Overnight temperatures on the weekend dipped near freezing in some areas of the region, with Inglis briefly at -0.4°C and Minitonas at 0.3°C. Late season moisture has caused some delay in drying of crops, including canola and flax. Some post-harvest field tillage operations have taken place across the region.

Spring cereal harvest is mostly complete in the southern part of the region, while the Swan River and Roblin areas are about 90% complete. Yields ranging from 40- 70 bu/ac in spring wheat. The recent rains have caused some regrowth in oat crops Canola desiccation continues as stages are reached and harvest progress is approximately 55 to 60% complete across the region, with the exception of The Pas. The effects of the growing season are reflective in the yields with ranges from 15 to 30 bu/ac in poorer stands, while better stands range from 45 to 50 bu/acre. Recent rains have caused some dry-down and regrowth issues in canola crops.

Soybeans continue to ripen and are at the R7 to R8 stage with some fields close to being ready for harvest within the next week. Flax and fababeans also continue to ripen. Pastures have responded well to the late summer rains and are in good condition for this time of year, with continued grazing on most pastures.


Sunny to partly cloudy conditions prevailed this week without precipitation resulted in good harvest progress. Temperatures are cooling but remain in the normal range for this time of year. Topsoil moisture has improved with recent rains. Forecast this week is for mostly sunny and dry conditions with near normal temperatures for this time of year. Harvest progress should continue this week. Winter cereal planting continues on suitable harvested fields. Earliest planted fields have emerged uniformly with the favourable topsoil moisture conditions.

Wheat, oats and barley harvest is considered complete. Wheat sample discoloration and some sprouting reported on later wheat harvested due to the recent rainier conditions. Most available cereal straw has been baled and removed from fields. Most harvested fields were harrowed post-harvest to distribute crop residue and stimulate volunteer grain growth. Canola harvest progressed well during the week and weekend. Harvest progress is estimated at 80 to 90% with reported yields ranging from 15 to 50 bu/acre. Harvested grain quality is very good so far.

Canola regrowth is a concern in some fields with some fields starting to flower again. Termination of those fields may be required before harvesting the grain. Grasshopper and flea beetle feeding slowed with the recent cool wetter conditions. Flax fields are ripe with good harvest progress achieved. Yield reports in the 15 to 25 bu/ac range, with a few black seeds. Harvest progress is estimated at 50 to 60% complete. Flax fields recently treated with harvest management products should ready for harvest soon. Flax straw is being baled or burned.


Rainfall accumulation across the region over the reporting period ranged from zero to 7 mm at weather stations. Rainfall accumulation in northern districts over the reporting period ranged from trace amounts to less than 10 mm as scattered showers and intermittent rain with most of that occurring last Friday. Temperatures began the reporting period ranging from seasonal to above seasonal and then cooled to more seasonal temperatures over the weekend.

Rapid progress continued with harvesting, fieldwork and the seeding of winter cereals. Seeding of fall rye and winter wheat into canola stubble is about 70% complete. Spring wheat harvest is almost complete continued with an estimated 98% of acres harvested. Yield reports range from 45 to 70 bu/ac with reports indicating good quality and bushel weights. Wheat protein ranged from 10.5 to just over 14%. Producers are reporting that many buyers have implemented protein discounts. Oats yields have been disappointing overall, yield reports ranged from 50 to 100 bu/ac with 70 bu/ac bring average with light bushel weights. Oats harvest progress estimated at 98% complete. Bushel weights range from 37-40lb/bu, overall oat quality is below average for the year. Canola yield reports range from 10 to 40 bu/ac, averaging 20 to 25 bu/acre. Canola harvest proceeded rapidly during the past week with about 80% of the crop in the bin and the rest ready to go as weather allows. Overall, canola is yielding slightly better than expected given the poor outlook for the 2021 crop. Flax harvest began last week but no yield reports to date


Good harvest weather allowed Interlake farmers to progress slowly with canola and begin soybean harvest. Recent rainfall has replenished surface soils, causing drought-stressed crops to break out of dormancy and regrow in canola and flax fields, leading to harvest problems. Many canola and flax crops are blooming from side branches, leading to harvest delays of previously ripe crops. Farmers are choosing to desiccate, swath, leave until a frost, or cut and feed canola regrowth. Canola harvest sits at approximately 55% complete, with more harvested in the southern parts of the region. Yields range from zero to 30 bu/acre.

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