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Regional pork meetings set for February

The annual series of Iowa Pork Regional Conferences has been a long-standing partnership of the Iowa Pork Producers Association, Iowa State University Extension and the Iowa Pork Industry Center, according to an Extension news release.

The goal to bring research and education to producers continues with this year’s topics:

  • Brian Blumhagen, director of operations, Altenburg Construction: What to inspect in hog barns, when to consider doing major repairs and what the repair, remodel or replacement costs will be.
  • Chris Rademacher, ISU Extension swine veterinarian: Composting practices to implement in your day-to-day operation and in case of a foreign animal disease.
  • ISU Extension agricultural engineers: Practical ways to improve barn ventilation, manage ventilation-related costs and run facilities more efficiently.
  • Gracie Greiner Marlow, IPPA sustainability manager: National Pork Board’s Pork Cares Farm Impact Reports provide data for the producer by tracking, measuring and monitoring conservation efforts in their operation.
  • ISU Extension swine specialists: Updates on issues and opportunities in respective areas.
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First Moments: Caring for Newborn Lambs at Ewetopia Farms

Video: First Moments: Caring for Newborn Lambs at Ewetopia Farms

First moments caring for newborn lambs is very important and oftentimes not as easy as you may think! Lambing season is in full swing at Ewetopia Farms, and today’s vlog is all about those crucial first moments after birth. Ensuring lambs get their first colostrum is our top priority, giving them the antibodies they need to thrive. But as you’ll see, ewes—especially first-time mothers—don’t always make it easy!