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Register for Selling Local Food in Alberta

This webinar is for producers who are considering selling food products direct to consumers.
This webinar takes place Tuesday, December 8, 2020 from 9 to 10:30 am. It is designed for producers who are new to or considering selling their products through farmers’ markets or other direct consumer methods.
Alberta Agriculture and Forestry’s farmers’ market specialist Eileen Kotowich, and farm direct marketing specialist Karen Goad will talk about the value of local food sales in Alberta through mainstream and direct-to-consumer market channels. They will give an overview of the pros and cons of each marketing channel and cover marketing strategies.
The webinar will also cover regulations and where producers can find the necessary information they need to know for producing and selling their products in Alberta.
Register for the Selling Local Food in Alberta webinar.
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Better Farming Ontario - Proudly Serving the World's Best Farmers for Over 25 Years

Video: Better Farming Ontario - Proudly Serving the World's Best Farmers for Over 25 Years

For over 25 years, Ontario Federation of Agriculture members have trusted Better Farming as a source for information to help them farm profitably, with insights and best practices for cash cropping, soil health, pest and weed control, livestock, and farm business management.

Watch this video to learn more about Better Farming and its relationship with producers across Ontario.

Message from Better Farming:

To our OFA farming readers, thank you for your time and your trust, for 25 years now. We look forward to continuing the journey with you.