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Registration Open for 2024 Integrated Crop Management Conference

By Erin Hodgson

The 35th Annual Integrated Crop Management Conference is set for Dec. 11-12 at the Meadows Events and Conference Center at Prairie Meadows in Altoona. This premier event, hosted by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach and the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, will provide crop production professionals with the latest information, cutting-edge research updates and tools to prepare for 2025.

“The ICM Conference has always been a great opportunity for farmers, industry, ag retailers, agronomists and educators to network with each other and interact with their university specialists,” said Erin Hodgson, professor and extension entomologist at Iowa State University. “We are excited to offer a great program full of new information to prepare for 2025, including a strong slate of invited speakers.”

This year’s conference features 35 workshops covering crops, pests, nutrients, and soil and water management topics. Prairie Meadows offers updated facilities, an on-site hotel and short distances between sessions, ensuring a convenient and comfortable experience for attendees with time to network, visit with sponsors and view exhibits.  

The conference will feature six invited speakers:

  • Seth Naeve, University of Minnesota, will discuss the timing, pros and cons of early soybean planting.
  • Anibal Cerrudo, University of Minnesota/Argentinian National Institute for Agriculture, will share recent research on the critical growth stages when soybean yield is determined.
  • Kelsey Fisher, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, will talk more on a re-emerging pest, the European corn borer, which is becoming resistant to Bt corn.
  • Horacio Lopez-Nicora, The Ohio State University, will discuss current and future challenges in managing soybean cyst nematodes.
  • Gretchen Paluch, Iowa Department of Ag and Land Stewardship Pesticide Bureau, will provide important updates regarding the Endangered Species Act and pesticide applications.
  • Jodi DeJong-Hughes, University of Minnesota Extension, will focus on compaction and mitigating compaction that reduces crop yields.

In addition to the invited speakers, Iowa State University has five new faculty and staff who will be presenting at this year’s conference:

  • Rabail Chandio, assistant professor and extension economist
  • Wesley Everman, assistant professor and extension weed specialist
  • Shelby Gruss, assistant professor and extension forage specialist
  • Richard Roth, assistant professor and nitrogen specialist
  • Ethan Thies, conservation field specialist

Certified Crop Advisers can receive up to 12 continuing education credits. The program is also approved for Iowa commercial pesticide applicator continuing education in categories 1A, 1B, 1C and 4 for 2024.

To register, visit the ICM Conference website. Pre-registration is required to attend. Early registration is $250 and ends at midnight, Nov. 17. After Nov. 17, the fee increases to $300, and registrations will be accepted until midnight, Nov. 27. No registrations will be accepted at the door.

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