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Registration Open For Midwest Dairy Day

Registration is open for the Midwest Dairy Day Genomics 101: Putting Genomics to Work scheduled for Dec. 4, 2015. The workshop at Iowa’s Dairy Center located at 1527 Highway 150 S, Calmar, begins at 10 a.m. and concludes at 2:30 p.m.
The annual Midwest Dairy Day is a collaborative effort between Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, The Northeast Dairy Foundation and Northeast Iowa Community College. The program will provide information on the use and application of genomic technology. Dairy producers, students and industry members are encouraged to attend.
“Improvement of dairy herd genetics can affect herd health, longevity, reproductive traits and many other vital aspects of dairy cattle production. It can also lead to increased milk production, milk quality and overall animal performance,” said Jennifer Bentley, dairy field specialist for ISU Extension and Outreach.
Over the past few years, the integration of dense genomic information into statistical tools used to make selection decisions, commonly referred to as genomic selection, has enabled gains in predicting accuracy of breeding values for young animals. The possibility to select animals at an early stage allows defining new breeding strategies aimed at boosting genetic progress while reducing costs.
Midwest Dairy Day is free and generously supported by local businesses. The day will include a presentation from Dan Weigel of Zoetis and Carla Stetzer from Accelerated Genetics. The program will conclude with a panel of area dairy producers. Lunch will be provided for all participants. To register, call Northeast Iowa Community College at 800-728-2256, ext. 399. Registration deadline is Wednesday, Nov. 25.

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