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Reintroducing Yourself to Your SeedMaster Seeder

I’m in the midst of trade show season which has me travelling back and forth across Western Canada. At each trade show I find myself chatting with farmers about their seeding plans for spring. These conversations have reminded me of the importance of reintroducing yourself to your seeder each year. You need to immerse yourself back into your seeding operation fully, because it’s only going to last four to six weeks and then you’re off to figure out that sprayer that you haven’t looked at since last year.

First off you need to make sure all your hydraulics — the hydraulic cylinders, the fold and the opener cylinders — are all functioning properly with no leaks. Next you need to refresh yourself on how to operate your monitor. You should make sure all the wiring is connected and working. There’s nothing worse than sitting in a tractor cab trying to relearn the monitor when you could be in the field seeding.

Third, you want to make sure you’ve calibrated your metering. It only takes a few minutes and is one of the most simple and effective precision operations you can do. If you don’t take the time, then you run the risk of putting seed and fertilizer down at an incorrect rate — costing you money, yield, or both.

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Video: Take a Walk with Seed World – featuring Randy Wilken, President, ProHarvest

Take a Walk with Seed World – featuring Randy Wilken, President, ProHarvest | | Seed World Group