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Risk Of Disease Fuels Interest In In-Vessel Composting

The sales manager with Nioex Systems says concerns over diseases such as PED and Avian Influenza have fueled a growing interest in the use of in-vessel composting to dispose of deadstock.
The Biovator, an in-vessel composter into which dead animals are placed for composting, is capable of breaking down mortalities in 14 days.
The technology was originally developed by the Puratone Corporation and is currently manufactured in Swan Lake, Manitoba by Nioex Systems and was among the equipment displayed last week in Des Moines, Iowa as part of World Pork Expo 2015.
Greg Esau, the sales manager with Nioex Systems, says recent concerns over the potential spread of disease, particularly Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea, has fueled a heightened interest in the technology, especially in the U.S.
Greg Esau-Nioex Systems:
We have Biovators in Asia, Argentina, a lot in the U.S., probably 80 percent in the U.S.
There's a lot of interest due to the diseases of PED or Avian Flu.
PED has impacted our sales huge.
Ontario alone last year we sold close to 40 units just due the PED outbreak.
Farmers want to not have rendering trucks or other paths of disease coming onto their sites.
Companies are becoming more aware of biosecurity, trying to make sure they're not bringing diseases from one farm to another farm and just having everything contained on one site.
Source : Farmscape

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