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Robust Cattle Prices

Prices for cattle strengthened in 2023 and more increases could be in the future. Recent prices for 500-600 lb. feeder steers in Nebraska were around $305 per cwt. compared to $220 a year ago. And while prices for live steers are off highs of a few months ago, recent sales at $174 per cwt. are higher compared to $156/cwt. at this time last year. The USDA WASDE projects lower beef production this year, projected down over 1 billion pounds. Meanwhile, domestic demand for beef is resilient. Kansas State University’s choice beef monthly demand index for October was higher compared to January 2023—a sign consumer demand is still steady. Beef exports, though, were lower in 2023 and are projected to fall even further in 2024.

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Episode 49: Big Cows and Big Questions

Video: Episode 49: Big Cows and Big Questions

Are smaller cows more efficient? They need less feed and wean calves that are a higher percentage of their body weight. In contrast, large cows need more feed, more pasture, and wean calves that are smaller relative to cow size. But what is the right size cow for your operation?