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Roll With The Best: Case IH Feeder Chains

Roll With The Best: Case IH Feeder Chains
When you make a major upgrade to your equipment, you expect it to last and to help your machine perform better. Those principles drove Case IH engineers as they designed the industry’s toughest feeder chain.
As you work through and inspect your combine, pay close attention to the feeder chain. After all, every stalk, stem, ear or pod you harvest enters through the feederhouse. A reliable, properly adjusted feeder chain is critical to efficiently moving all that material into separation.
Bent or twisted feeder chain bars, excessive play or visible wear are good indicators that it’s time to replace the feeder chain. Making the upgrade now helps ensure you’re ready when next year’s harvest rolls around. It also helps reduce the likelihood you’ll need to deal with feeder chain trouble.
Simply a better feeder chain
Case IH feeder chains are engineered specifically for your combine. They fit and roll without the excessive movement that can lead to stretching and premature wear.
We manufacture our feeder chains with the highest-quality construction in the industry. Our slats are rolled, not laser-cut. This eliminates the stress points laser cutting creates. Independent lab tests show the tensile strength of laser cut slats falls 24 percent below Case IH original equipment manufacturer specifications.
Case IH feeder chains come preassembled so they stay true to stringent factory-grade torque specifications throughout assembly. Here again, lab tests show competitor feeder chains often feature mismatched hardware with up to 70 percent variability in assembled torque.
Designed to keep you harvesting
Setting and maintaining proper tension plays an important role in feeder chain reliability and longevity. A stretched chain jumping off the sprocket is a bad news/worse news event. Sometimes, the jumped chain holds together, allowing you to get it back on track and tensioned so you can continue harvesting with minimal downtime. More often, the damaged or broken chain creates even bigger headaches as it sends parts and pieces deeper into the combine.
Once again, independent lab tests confirm Case IH feeder chain advantages: Competitor replacement feeder chain pins push off with half as much effort as Case IH pins, causing those lesser chains to stretch or break more easily.
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Video: Bayer's NEW FieldView Drive 2.0

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An interesting feature of the new system is that agronomists can remotely send prescriptions to farmers.

The company says the product can be summed up in three words: stability, compatibility, and prescriptions.

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