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Root Rot Key Concern For Pulse Producers

Environmental conditions this year resulted in a bigger problem with Root Rot in Pulse Crops in Saskatchewan.
Aphanomyces and Fusarium are two key diseases that can contribute to root rot along with moist conditions.
Michelle Hubbard a Pulse Pathologist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada says producers – especially those that did see a problem - should look at making some changes.
“Really the only proven things you can do is have long crop rotations. So not growing peas or lentils in the same fields unless you wait six to eight years or avoiding fields that you know from soil testing or from past experience are at high risk. So either fields that have got root rot in the past or they’re low lying, wet or compacted – those are the things that result in high risk.”
Crops Extension Specialist John Ippolito says pulse producers in the West Central part of the province had a real issue with root rot this year.
He says there were some fields that had severe enough damage that they weren’t even taken to harvest.
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