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Salvaging crops as feed for livestock

In any given year, localized conditions can result in crops being unsuitable for harvest. It presents an opportunity to salvage them as livestock feed. However, there are a few points to consider before commencing salvage operations.

Can the crop be salvaged?

There are a few things that every producer should determine before launching salvage operations. If the crop was insured through Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation (SCIC), they must be contacted prior to any salvage operations commencing. Call SCIC toll-free at 1-888-935-0000 to discuss all your options.

If the crop was sprayed with a product that has a feed or grazing restriction on the label, those must be adhered to prior to harvesting as livestock feed. Make every effort to determine what the crop was sprayed with and when. Then follow product label directions prior to using as feed. If the label is not readily available, consult the 2023 Guide to Crop Protection or contact the Agriculture Knowledge Centre at 1-866-457-2377 to speak to a livestock and feed extension specialist.

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