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Same Manure Pile, Different Platform

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Introducing….to your mobile device or computer, the first of several on-line AgriSuite calculators that will help with agronomic and environmental land use decisions.
The nutrient management software (commonly known as AgriSuite, which includes NMAN and MSTOR) has been available to Ontario Farmers for many years. Although popular, it is perceived to be mainly a regulatory tool and perceived to be too complicated, therefore it was time to modernize the software to incorporate individual stand-alone tools that are more compatible with industry needs and processes.
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The first tool recently released is called the Crop Nutrient Calculator and calculates crop nutrient needs. When soil test, location, planned crop and yield goal are provided, the crop nutrient needs and nutrient removal information is displayed. The information provided is based on Ontario data and includes the nitrogen calculator for corn crops. The information can be saved and printed by the user. Information is not accessible to anyone beyond those selected by the user.
Coming soon are other calculators that will help with nutrient management decision making. They include:
  • Organic Amendment Calculator and Fertilizer Calculator
  • Assessing risk of phosphorus and nitrogen loss (PLATO calculator)
  • Determining manure storage sizing and manure volumes produced (MSTOR calculator)
  • Calculating minimum distance separation (MDS calculator)
  • Estimating greenhouse gas emissions (Greenhouse Gas Calculator)
AgriSuite is being rebuilt with funding from the Canadian Agricultural Partnership. The AgriSuite team welcomes comments, questions and suggestions.
The next tool, the Organic Amendment Calculator will help determine fertilizer and manure inputs and is planned for release in early winter. Imagine being able to determine what the N-P-K value and economic value of your manure is and what micro nutrients are being supplied to the soil with each application. The tool will provide similar information to the current software, but in a simpler process. When manure analysis information is provided along with management decisions around timing, placement and rate the tool will provide estimates for available nutrients and potential economic value. For example, a layer poultry manure analysis including micro nutrients, C:N ratio and organic matter at a rate of 5 ton/ac in early fall and incorporated within 24 hours would provide approximately 75 lbs/ac of nitrogen, 290 lbs/ac of P2O5 (full value) and 250 lbs/ac of K2O. Where soil test levels are already high, the immediate value for manure is lower. In addition, 3.3 lbs/ac zinc, 50 lb/ac magnesium, 3.5 lb/ac manganese and 60 lbs/ac sulphur would be supplied. Economic value for the available N-P-K after application cost ($4/ac) is deducted would be approximately $325/ac or $65/ton. There is additional value provided by the organic matter (2,400 lbs/ac) and the value of the micronutrients (e.g., $37/ac value from sulphur).
The Fertilizer Calculator is also planned for early winter release and will help determine the nutrients needed for a crop before or after manure nutrients are tallied and will provide common fertilizer blends that could match those needs.
Source : Field Crop News

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