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Sask Ag Water Blitz Coming to a Town Near You!

It is good practice to test your livestock water sources multiple times a year and especially throughout the summer to monitor quality. Water samples can be submitted to a Ministry of Agriculture regional office or many Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation (SCIC) offices for quality screening at any time during the year.

This summer, the Ministry of Agriculture’s livestock and feed extension specialists are working to make water testing more accessible to livestock producers in Saskatchewan. Specialists will be available in towns across the province to provide water testing on site or working with the community to provide a location for producers to drop off samples to be tested at a later date. Having water samples screened is a service provided by the ministry at no cost to the producer if the water is intended for livestock consumption and producers have a Premises Identification (PID) number.

The table below outlines the locations and days the mobile service will be provided. Some locations are drop off only as indicated, other locations will have a livestock and feed extension specialist present to test your samples and to answer any further questions you may have. In areas with drop off only, your local regional specialist will be in contact with you to discuss the results and decide if further screening is needed. If further screening is required, samples will be sent to the Roy Romanow Lab for a complete analysis.

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