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Sask. farmers will struggle as carbon tax increases: APAS

As of April 1, the federal carbon tax has increased to $65/tonne, marking the first year of an accelerated price on carbon that will continue to rise by $15/tonne carbon dioxide equivalent until it reaches $170 by 2030. However, Saskatchewan's agricultural sector is feeling the brunt of the carbon tax pricing system. The Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan (APAS) is highlighting the disproportionate impact of this increase on farmers.

APAS President Ian Boxall expressed concerns, stating, "These additional costs come off our bottom-line because we're price takers who sell into international markets. The impact of these costs on our farm operations needs to be recognized to ensure we can remain competitive in international markets. Saskatchewan farms are going to pay over $40 million in carbon tax just to get their products to port. This is money that comes right out of rural Saskatchewan."

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OYFR Colby & Ashley McClendon 2024

Video: OYFR Colby & Ashley McClendon 2024

Meet Colby and Ashley McClendon!

They grow corn, oats, wheat, sorghum, soybeans and hay. They are the sixth generation to operate the family farm in Collin County.

The couple also raise cattle and sell their beef through their meat market located on their farm.

They’re finalists in our Outstanding Young Farmer & Rancher contest.