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Sask. teens awarded post-secondary scholarships for involvement with Canadian Western Agribition

A student from Montmartre has been awarded a 25-hundred dollar scholarship from Canadian Western Agribition – the award is one of five announced during the six-day show.
Three students will receive 25 hundred dollar scholarships from Agribition.
Evan Sebastian of Montmartre says he will use the funds to further his animal science studies at college in Alberta.
“I want to come back to be a feed nutritionist and working on the family farm,” Sebastian told 620 CKRM’s Jim Smalley.
Sadie Anwender is a student from Radville with a history of involvement at Agribition.
Anwender will use the funds to attend the University of Regina’s Hill School of Business, with hopes to major in marketing.
“I think it’s a great asset to have for my business,” Anwender said. “Even the pure red cattle industry, to have that marketing tool to build on what I have learned already in the past – to market those animals.”
Shelby Evans says the funds will further her agriculture business studies at the University of Saskatchewan.
“I want to do something in the livestock industry,” Evans said. “I have my own herd of Charolais cows. But I am also interested in the marketing side.”
15 hundred dollar scholarships go to Shelby Evans of Kenaston and Macy Leibreich of Radville.
The last two are in memory of Barry Andrew and William Farley, long-time supporters of Agribition.
Source : CKRM

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