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Saskatchewan Ag sector growing reckless with continued rail delays

Saskatchewan farm leaders are disappointed with the delays in Ottawa in approving new grain movement legislation.
Canadian Federation of Agriculture vice president and APAS past president Norm Hall of Wynyard says the legislation should have been approved months ago.
“We were sort of hoping it would be passed back in February, then it was March, and then it was April, it just being pushed off, and off, some of it is just pure politics, there’s games being played,” Hall says. “In all truthfulness, we wouldn’t be in this situation if the rail roads didn’t stick us in this situation."
Source : CKRM

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Combining Soybeans Ontario Canada Deere 9500

Video: Combining Soybeans Ontario Canada Deere 9500

Combining Soybeans Ontario Canada in October with a John Deere 9500 and a 25' head. The beans are taken to the local grain elevator and all the bean stubble is chopped with a New Holland fp240 for our dairy herd and round bailed for our heifer pack.