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Saskatchewan Agriculture Releases Final Crop Report

Snow is a welcome site for farmers that are looking for moisture now that the crop is in.
Saskatchewan Agriculture's Final Crop Report shows harvest is virtually complete with more than 99 per cent of the crop in the bin.
Crop's Extension Specialist Sara Tetland says crop quality is above average.
"A lot of it has to do with having those ideal harvest conditions. We didn't have much precipitation over the fall so that didn't cause any downgrading.
Last year, we were seeing quite a bit of downgrading due to sprouting and bleaching because of that wet weather."
Overall provincial yields are average with some higher than average yields.
Average yields are estimated as 46 bushels per acre for hard red spring wheat, 39 bushel per acre for durum, 86 bushel per acre for oats, 67 bushel per acre for barley, 37 bushel per acre for canola, 39 bushel per acre for peas and 1,475 pounds per acre for lentil.
Average hay yields on dry land are reported as 1.2 tons per acre (alfalfa), 1.1 tons per acre (alfalfa/brome and wild hay), 1.0 tons per acre (other tame hay) and 1.9 tons per acre (greenfeed).
On irrigated land, the estimated average hay yields are 2.8 tons per acre (alfalfa), 2.3 tons per acre (alfalfa/brome), 2.0 tons per acre (wild hay) and 4.2 tons per acre (greenfeed).
Most of the hay going into winter is rated as fair to good in quality.
Moisture conditions remain a concern, as much of the province received minimal or below average rainfall this year.
Parts of Southern and Central Saskatchewan have reported short or very short topsoil moisture conditions for most of the year.
Heading into winter, topsoil moisture on cropland is rated as 25 per cent adequate, 42 per cent short and 33 per cent very short.
Hay and pasture land topsoil moisture is rated as 19 per cent adequate, 37 per cent short and 44 per cent very short.
Significant precipitation is needed this fall and over winter to replenish moisture levels in the soil and dugouts.
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