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Saskatchewan and Alberta report new cases of Avian Influenza

More cases of the highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 are showing up in the Prairies.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency has confirmed the presence of bird flu in two poultry flocks in Saskatchewan, one in the R-M of Moose Mountain and one in the R-M of Loreburn.

Meantime, 12 poultry flocks have been impacted in Alberta in Cardston County, Mountain View County, Warner County, Camrose County, Wetaskiwin County, Paintearth County, Kneehill County and Ponoka County.

The C-F-I-A says each of the infected premises has been placed under quarantine, and work is underway to establish movement control measures on other farms within the areas.

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Video: Better Farming Ontario - Proudly Serving the World's Best Farmers for Over 25 Years

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