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Saskatchewan Announces 2021 Agriculture Scholarship Recipients

Jesse Patzer of Swift Current took top spot in the 2021 Saskatchewan Agriculture Scholarship Program.

He was one of four Saskatchewan students awarded scholarships through the program.

The Government's Scholarship Program identifies young people who are advocates for agriculture and leverages their passion and ability to tell the story of Saskatchewan agriculture.

Jesse Patzer received $4,000 as the grand-prize winner for his submission on the importance of transparency in the agriculture industry, social media's influence on beliefs and behaviours, and how producers in Saskatchewan can be more transparent.

He says the scholarship is going to help him continue his work in the industry.

"Together, my education and my experiences in the field will solidify my passion for agriculture. I'm excited to expand my knowledge and learn something new."

Jessica Davey from southwest of Saskatoon, Sarah Whitenect of Saskatoon and Kylidge McNally of Bethune each received runner-up scholarships of $2,000.

Agriculture Minister David Marit says they had many outstanding applications to choose from this year which shows how passionate our youth are about agriculture and building public trust.

"These four individuals will be leaders in the agriculture sector, and I am happy the Government of Saskatchewan is able to contribute to their education through the Agriculture Student Scholarship Program."

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