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Saskatchewan Farmers Generally Pleased With The Harvest

Saskatchewan Agriculture's latest crop report shows 99 per cent of the provincial crop is now in the bin, well ahead of last year when only 69 per cent of the crop was in.
According to the report there's still a few fields to be done in the east central, north east and north west regions of the Province, while crops in the south and west central area are basically done.
Crops Extension Specialist Shannon Friesen says generally farmers are pleased with this year's crop:
"But of course with our really hot dry conditions in August and strong winds. We've had some lost crops due to swaths blowing around, heat damage, wildlife
and everything else especially in some of those canola crops. So we have heard many reports of some of those yields being less than anticipated, but luckily
overall things seem to be about average for us this year."
Farmers who are done are cleaning and fixing equipment, harrowing, working low spots, and applying anhydrous ammonia.
Livestock producers meantime are moving bales, fixing fences, cleaning corrals and bringing livestock home from pastures.
Saskatchewan's Weekly Crop Report is available here.
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