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Saskatchewan Harvest Behind Last Year but Ahead of Average

Saskatchewan harvest progress continued ahead of the five- and 10-year average this past week, even as severe weather struck some parts of the province. 

Thursday’s weekly crop report showed the provincewide harvest at 15% complete as of Monday, up from 6% a week earlier and compared to the five- and 10-year averages of 13% and 11%, respectively. However, the harvest does trail last year, when 21% of the crop was already in the bin at this time. 

A few areas received severe storms producing heavy rain and hail causing extensive crop damage, the report said. In contrast, persistent heat and lack of moisture in other areas of the province continued to rapidly advance crop maturity.  

“Producers that have started harvest are indicating variable yields across the province,” the report said. “In many regions, the lack of moisture and increased heat has impacted grain fill, resulting in yield reductions across various crops.” 

The bulk of the harvest to date has occurred in the Southwest region, where 29% of the crop was reported harvested as of Monday. The Southwest was followed by the Southeast at 21% done, and the East-Central at 17%. The West-Central and Northeast regions were both at 5% complete as of Monday, with the Northwest at 1%. Most of the progress in the Northeast Region is limited to the Hanley area, which has experienced relatively drier conditions compared to the remaining areas. 

Lentils and field peas continue to lead the spring-seeded crops in harvest progress at 50% and 44% complete, respectively. An estimated 17% of the barley and mustard crops were off, with durum at 14%, oats at 11%, and spring wheat at 4%. Only 2% of the canola in the province was reported harvested as of Monday. 

The highest amount of rainfall this past week fell in the Craven area at 69 mm, followed by the Strasbourg area at 66 mm and the Caron area at 52 mm. The Arborfield area received 49 mm and the Rosthern area received 48 mm. Recent moisture has helped improve topsoil moisture conditions across some areas of the province. As of Monday, cropland topsoil moisture was rated 35% adequate, 41% short and 24% very short versus 29% adequate, 48% short and 23% very short a week earlier. 

Crop damage over the past week was mainly due to the persistent lack of moisture throughout many regions, along with the increased temperatures. Crop lodging, due to wind damage, was also reported across the province along with hail damage in isolated areas. Grasshoppers persist in the province's drier regions too.   


Producers within the region are busy harvesting, desiccating and swathing. Currently, overall harvest progress sits at 21 per cent for the region despite some rain delays. This is ahead of the five-year average of 11 per cent and 10-year average of 14 per cent reported for the region. Large variations in harvest progress are reported between census divisions given the differences in moisture conditions experienced throughout the growing season. Many producers are hopeful for rain following harvest to help replenish soil moisture conditions. 

Within the southeast region, 88 per cent of fall rye has been harvested as well as 51 per cent of winter wheat. For spring seeded cereal crops, 32 per cent of both durum and oats are harvested, 29 per cent of barley, followed by only eight per cent of spring wheat harvested. For pulse crops within the region, 66 per cent of field peas are harvested followed by 49 per cent of lentils and 25 per cent of chickpeas. Mustard is ahead in harvest completion for oilseeds with 31 per cent in the bin. Currently, canola sits at four per cent harvested within the region. Harvest percentages reported include per cent of crop harvested as feed. A full summary of individual crop harvest progress for all regions can be viewed in the attached harvest progress table. 

Regionally, 40 per cent of the fall rye is reported at 1 CW and 60 per cent 2 CW. Winter wheat grade quality is reported at 39 per cent 1 CW, 54 per cent 2 CW, five per cent 3 CW and two per cent as feed. 

Rainfall was variable throughout the region with widely scattered storms reported, producing heavy rain, high winds and hail in some areas. The highest rainfall recorded fell in the Craven and Strasbourg areas which reported 69 mm and 66 mm respectively. The Odessa area received 32 mm over the past week and the Creelman area received 14 mm. 

Topsoil moisture continues to fall short within the region. Currently, cropland topsoil moisture is 33 per cent adequate, 37 per cent short and 30 per cent very short. 

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