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Saskatchewan Harvest Mostly Now Complete

The Saskatchewan harvest is mostly now complete, with canola and flax making up most of the remaining fields still to be combined. 

Thursday’s weekly crop report estimated the provincial harvest at 95% done as of Monday, up 4 points on the week and comfortably ahead of the five-year average of 84%. Last year at this time, 90% of the crop was off. 

Harvest in the Southwest and West-Central regions is virtually complete with the odd field still left standing, the report said. Things are almost wrapped up in other parts of the province as well, with the Northwest and Southeast regions both at 93% complete, followed by the Northeast at 92% and the East-Central at 90%. 

Producers have finished harvesting their cereal and pulse crops and are now waiting for their remaining fields of flax or canola to dry down. The report estimated the canola harvest at 90% complete, and flax at 68% as of Monday. Producers who still have flax standing are hoping for frost to help stop the regrowth that is occurring due to recent rainfall, the report added. 

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