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Saskatchewan Harvest Remains Close to Average Pace

The Saskatchewan harvest is progressing near the average pace, with some producers in the more advanced regions already getting close to completion. 

Thursday’s weekly crop report pegged the overall Saskatchewan harvest at 23% complete as of Monday, up from 16% a week earlier and just 3 points back of the five-year average. Last year, 36% of the province’s crop was in the bin. 

An estimated 67% of this year’s crop was off in the southwest region as of Monday, followed by the west-central at 36%, and the southeast at 16%. Just 9% of the crop was off in the east-central, along with 6% in the northwest, and only 4% in the northeast. 

The provincewide lentil harvest was 74% done, with 66% of the field peas, 46% of the mustard and 51% of the durum also in the bin. The spring wheat harvest was 16% complete, while canola was 8% harvested. An additional 21% of the canola and 13% of the mustard was also swathed or ready to straight-cut as of Monday. 

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