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Saskatchewan Harvest Underway

Harvest activities are just getting underway in the province with one per cent of the crop combined and two per cent swathed or ready to straight-cut.
Saskatchewan Agriculture Crops Extension Agrologist Sara Tetland says when we look at individual field crops most activity is in the south and west-central areas.
"Fifty-two per cent of the fall rye, 19 per cent of the winter wheat, six per cent of the field peas and three per cent of the lentils have been combined. Currently two per cent of the crop has been combined in the southwest, and one percent of the crop has been combined in both the southeast and west central regions."
She says haying operations are winding down with many producers reporting below-average hay yields for this year. 
'Estimated average dryland hay yields for the province are 1.2 tons per acre for alfalfa, 1.1 tons per acre for alfalfa/bromegrass, 1.0 tons per acre for other tame hay, 1.0 tons per acre for wild hay and 1.8 tons per acre for greenfeed. The estimated average irrigated hay yields are 3.0 tons per acre for alfalfa, 2.7 tons per acre for alfalfa/bromegrass and 2.8 tons per acre for greenfeed."
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