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Saskatchewan Looking At A Processing Study

The Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association will be working with the province on a processing study.

President Kelcey Elford says they're going to identify the opportunities and challenges around growing the processing industry in Saskatchewan.

"You know, things like, Is there enough animals to warrant a plant? Should it be federally inspected? Is there enough room to have several small processing plants that are viable, that will be here for generations to come? To give us opportunities to tap through the value on the farm instead of passing it on down the line to the Packers."

Elford says they want to see this industry be profitable, and we want to see if the opportunity to enhance that into the industry in this province is a viable option. So we're excited about our processing study.

The Stock Growers are also calling on the government to look at the way producer premiums are handled around the Livestock Price Insurance Program.

Elford says they want to be treated the same as other agricultural producers in this province, meaning that the weight of the whole premium should not all be put on the producer.

During his Presidents Report, Elford acknowledged the work of the Saskatchewan Stock Growers Foundation adding they continue to work on the framework for Consevation Term Easements.

"You know, the opportunities that are gonna come through the foundation are gonna allow for that. Especially in this time when there's such emphasis put on the value of a fragile ecosystem and the benefits of grazing livestock."

He says the work and the role of the Foundation is going to be a big part of the Stock Growers going into the future.

The Foundation was founded in 2019 with four key goals to conserve agricultural lands, to advance education, to relieve poverty and to assist victims of disasters.

The Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association held their Semi-Annual Meeting last week.

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