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Saskatchewan Pork Industry Symposium Audio Special for November 8, 2023

Long-rider, best-selling author and filmmaker Filipe Masetti discusses his more than 25-thousand-kilometer journey by horseback across the Americas and his experiences along the way.
Feature Runs: 8:27

Kendall Weger a Technical Services Manager with PIC discusses the topic, "Day 1 Piglet Care: Get the Biggest Bang for your Buck."
Feature Runs: 5:26

Dr. Julia Keenliside an Edmonton based veterinary consultant discusses the topic "Practical Tips to Improve Your Load Out: The CWSHIN Loadout Project."
Feature Runs: 11:17

Jennifer Woods of J Woods Livestock Services discusses the topic "Why Pigs Do What They Do, Not What We Want Them To Do."
Feature Runs: 5:21

Clinton Monchuk the Executive Director of Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan discusses the topic "Why Sharing Your Farm Story Matters."
Feature Runs: 6:23

Steve Clarke of Clarke & Associates discusses the topic "Everything You Need to Know to Improve Your Barn's Energy Efficiency."
Feature Runs: 6:44

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