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Saskatchewan's Provincial 4-H Public Speaking Competition Goes Virtual

There were 32 participants competing in this year's digital format.

The Public Speaking event focuses on four age groups Cloverbuds  6 to 8 years of age, Juniors 9-12, Intermediates 13 to 15 and the Seniors group with ages from 16 to 21.

Cera Youngson, the Executive Director of 4-H Saskatchewan says public speaking is one of their proudest traditions and it's been going on for decades.

"This was the very first time that we held it on a virtual platform. Normally, it's held in the community halls or a school library in one of the great communities that's playing host."

She says with transitioning to an online platform one of the biggest challenges involved making sure that all participants could take part virtually as rural internet is not always reliable.

Youngson says she's always so impressed with the quality of speeches and this year was no different.

"Our members rose to the challenge of presenting their speeches in a new way this year in a virtual live format. Each member should be proud of advancing to this prestigious “stage” through their club, district, and regional competitions."

Here is a listing of the top three from each of the four age groups in the Provincial Public 4-H Speaking Competition

In the Cloverbuds, first place went to Claire Galli from Yorkton, a member of the Melville Town 'N Country 4-H Club. Second was Kendele Noble from Lloydminister, a member of the Durness Multi 4-H Club, while third place went to Teslyn Kajner from St. Brieux, a member of the Meskanaw-Ethelton 4-H Beef Club.

In the Junior category, first place went to Mara Ward from Broadview, a member of the Elcapo Lighthorse 4-H Club. Second was Hannah Hougham from Frenchman Butte, a member of the Hillmond 4-H Beef Club, while third place went to Kain Fidelack of Margo, a member of the Kelvington 4-H Grain Club.

In the Intermediate Category, first place went to Olivia Keslick from Maple Creek, a member of the Maple Creek Multiple 4-H Club. Second was Marleigh Mann from Lloydminster, a member of the Northminster 4-H Beef Club, while third place went to Isabelle Erickson from Wolsely, a member of the Elcapo Lighthorse 4-H Club.

In the Senior Category, first place went to Emma Bonk from Wolsely, a member of the Candiac 4-H Beef Club. Second place was Codee Kopelchuk from Canora, a member of the Good Spirit 4-H Club and third place was Makenna Heidecker from Saskatoon, a member of the Three Lakes 4-h Beef Club at Middle Lake.

Youngson is optimistic the provincial public speaking competition will return to an in person format in Middle Lake, Saskatchewan in 2022.

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