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Saskatchewan woman receives 4-H Canada L.E.A.D scholarship

4-H Canada's 2022 Leadership Excellence Awards of Distinction (L.E.A.D) have been announced.

The program recognizes outstanding 4-H’ers who show 4-H values in the way they live their lives. 

Each L.E.A.D. recipient receives a $20,000 scholarship for higher education, an all-expenses-paid trip to attend the 4-H Leadership Awards, ongoing mentorship from an expert in their field of study and the opportunity to be a 4-H L.E.A.D. spokesperson.

Four L.E.A.D. recipients are selected each year, one for each of 4-H Canada’s Leadership Development pillars.

This year's recipients include Ava Copas (NS), Community Engagement & Communications Pillar; Aidan Reynolds (NB), Science & Technology Pillar; Elena Sales (BC), Environment & Healthy Living Pillar
Kate Axten (SK), Sustainable Agriculture & Food Security Pillar.

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