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SaskCanola and SaskFlax amalgamate

 SaskCanola and SaskFlax have successfully amalgamated.

The decision comes after resolutions were passed at both organizations’ annual general meetings in January 2023, calling for the two organizations to explore options for potential amalgamation over the past year.

SaskCanola and SaskFlax held joint annual general meetings Dec. 9 to share the outcomes of feedback gathered through an online consultation survey from Saskatchewan’s canola and flax growers. The responses were overwhelmingly supportive of amalgamation.

Formal voting on the proposed amalgamation took place during the meetings and was met with widespread approval, signalling a historic moment for the canola and flax industries in Saskatchewan.

“The collaborative efforts are expected to streamline operations, enhance research initiatives and provide a more cohesive voice for oilseed growers in the province,” said Tracy Broughton, executive director.

“Both Commissions will now work with Agri-Food Council to amend regulations as the amalgamation will officially commence at the start of the next crop year on Aug. 1, 2024.”

The SaskCanola Board voted to maintain current leadership with Keith Fournier as chair and Dean Roberts as vice-chair. The SaskFlax Board also voted to maintain current leadership with Greg Sundquist as chair and Patricia Lung as vice-chair. Both boards will continue to provide their respective leadership until the final audits are complete, at which point the single entity will emerge with one board and one staff.

SaskCanola is a producer-led organization, established in 1991 and supported by 17,000 levy-paying Saskatchewan canola producers. SaskCanola’s mandate is to provide value to canola producers through research, advocacy, and market development.

SaskFlax is a producer-led organization, established in 1996 and supported by 3,000 levy-paying Saskatchewan flax producers. SaskFlax’s mandate is to lead, promote, and enhance the production, value-added processing, and use of Saskatchewan flax.

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