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Scanlon to lead Canadian council of agriculture, food and veterinary medicine deans

Martin Scanlon, Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences at the University of Manitoba, has been elected President of the Deans Council – Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Medicine for a one-year term. He served as president-elect for the past year.

Consisting of five faculties of veterinary medicine and eight faculties of agriculture and food, the Deans Council AFVM represents more than 1,200 professors training over 25,000 current students at 11 research intensive universities. This network represents Canada’s leading research and education capacity in agri-food business, risk and supply chain management, food science and policy, plant, animal and related environmental sciences, and veterinary medicine and One Health.

The Deans Council AFVM partners with industry and governments to advance food safety and security, and sustainable economic growth in the agri-food sector.

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