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Schmeiser No Longer Serving as NAEDA Chief Operating Officer

In an email distributed to members of the North American Equipment Dealers Association (NAEDA), as of July 8, 2024, John Schmeiser will no longer be serving as chief operating officer of NAEDA.

The message includes an acknowledgement to Schmeiser “for his years of service to the association and dealers in both the U.S. and Canada.” NAEDA says it will continue to support dealers across North America and keep its primary focus on government relations and manufacturer relations.

Schmeiser served as COO of NAEDA for 2 years from July 2022-July 2024 and worked for Western Equipment Dealers Association (WEDA) for more than 25 years. 

Any questions or concerns regarding the recent news are being directed to Kim Rominger, CEO of NAEDA, at

This story will be updated once more information becomes available

Source : Farm Equipment

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