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Scouting fields right up to harvest is key

The Canola Council of Canada says while it may look alarming flea beetle feeding on canola in late summer is rarely an economic concern.

This week's Canola Watch notes that once the canola plant has moved past the 5.2 growth stage, it becomes resistant to injury from flea beetles.

The newsletter also reminds producers about the importance of scouting before harvest.

Blackleg is one disease that can have a key impact as it can reduce yield and quality and affect the crops' marketing potential.

The optimal time to scout for the disease is just before swathing or around 60% seed colour change.


The Canola Council says when scouting for blackeg producers should pull up at least 50 plants in a W-pattern in the field and clipping at the base of the stem look for blackened tissue. 

Any black discoloration seen in the cross-section can be compared to the disease severity scale on their website.

The blackleg disease pathogen overwinters in the soil, so producers will want to look at implementing an integrated blackleg management strategy including a minimum break of two years between canola on that land.

Source : Pembinavalley online

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