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SDSU Extension, DOE Program to Host Regional Buyer-Grower Farm-to-School Summits

SDSU Extension and the South Dakota Department of Education-Child and Adult Nutrition Services are hosting regional farm-to-school gatherings for buyers and growers in 2024.

There will be a series of in-person events and one virtual option via Zoom, with in-person events on Feb. 12 at the SDSU Extension Sioux Falls Regional Center, Feb. 21 at the SDSU Extension Aberdeen Regional Center and on March 6 at the Black Hills State University - Rapid City location. 

Interested individuals are encouraged to attend the in-person gathering nearest them. All events last from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. local time. There will also be a virtual event from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. CST on March 26 for those who cannot attend in person. The events are free.

The summits will provide farmers, ranchers and child nutrition professionals with brief training and an opportunity to network with buyers and growers in the same region. Participants will leave with resources to continue growing farm-to-school programs in South Dakota communities. Representatives from Child and Adult Nutrition Services and SDSU Extension will be available to answer questions.

“Our goal for these events is to provide an opportunity for child nutrition professionals and producers to build relationships,” said Anna Tvedt, SDSU Extension Nutrition Field Specialist. 

Farm to school is a program model used across the nation, including in South Dakota, to assist schools with local food sourcing, school or youth gardens, and local foods education.

“Offering local foods on school meal menus continues to expand,” said Janelle Peterson, Child and Adult Nutrition Services farm to school specialist. “This is a perfect time for those that offer summer feeding programs to attend and get acquainted with producers in their area, so plenty of local foods can be served to South Dakota children during the summer months.” 

To register, visit the SDSU Extension Events page and search “farm to school”. 

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