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SDSU Extension Offers Livestock Water Testing

SDSU Extension offers an on-site livestock water testing service at all SDSU Extension Regional Extension Centers and several SDSU Extension County Offices throughout the state.
"It is critical to monitor livestock water quality, because poor quality water can have a negative effect on growth, reproduction, and general productivity of the animal. In some cases, death could occur within days or hours after consumption of contaminated waters or water deprivation," said Robin Salverson, SDSU Extension Cow/Calf Field Specialist.
Water samples can be taken to one of the sites listed below in a clean plastic or glass container including water or pop bottles, jelly jars etc.
A quick test is conducted free of charge with an electro-conductivity (EC) meter to determine total salts in the water. After consultation with an SDSU Extension field or state specialists, Salverson said additional laboratory testing may be suggested.
"The appearance of water can be deceiving and the clearest of water can be the worse," she said. "Additionally, some water sources regardless if it has been dry or wet can be high in total salts. Therefore, continuous monitoring of water quality and quantity are important to maintain a productive livestock program."
Sites for Livestock Water Testing
Livestock water testing can be performed at one of the following sites:
Regional Extension Centers
  • Aberdeen Regional Extension Center 605.626.2870
  • Lemmon Regional Extension Center 605.374.4177
  • Mitchell Regional Extension Center 605.995.7378
  • Pierre Regional Extension Center 605.773.8120
  • Rapid City Regional Extension Center 605.394.1722
  • Sioux Falls Regional Extension Center 605.782.3290
  • Watertown Regional Extension Center 605.882.5140
  • Winner Regional Extension Center 605.842.1267
SDSU Extension County Offices
  • Aurora County 605.942.7754
  • Beadle County 605.353.8436
  • Bennett County 605.685.6972
  • Bon Homme County 605.589.3531
  • Butte County 605.892.3371
  • Charles Mix County 605.487.7666
  • Clark County 605.532.3681
  • Corson County 605.273.4368
  • Dewey County 605.865.3652
  • Douglas County 605.724.2719
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