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Secretary Perdue Statement on Japan Agreement

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue issued the following statement regarding the new trade agreement between the United States and Japan:
“Japan is a significant market for United States agriculture exports, making today a good day for American agriculture. By removing existing barriers for our products, we will be able to sell more to the Japanese markets. At the same time we will be able to close gaps to better allow us to compete on a level playing field with our competitors. I thank President Trump and Ambassador Lighthizer for their constant support of America’s farmers and ranchers and their hard work negotiating better trade deals around the globe.”

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President-Elect Trump Continues With His Tariff Agenda

Video: President-Elect Trump Continues With His Tariff Agenda

In and amongst picking cabinet nominees like Brooke Rollins for Secretary of Agriculture, President-elect Donald Trump continues to pressure major U.S. trading partners with the prospect of tariffs.