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Secure Beef Supply & Biosecurity Planning: The Ticket For Navigating The Strom

Secure Beef Supply & Biosecurity Planning: The Ticket For Navigating The Strom

By Julia Herman and Justin Smith

The U.S. cattle industry has been fortunate in being protected from foreign animal disease (FAD) outbreaks that are devastating to animal welfare, farming and ranching communities, and local or international economies. Currently, Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) is one such disease that the North American poultry industry is trying to contain. With a wild bird reservoir, this disease is challenging to track and has severe implications for flocks that become infected. Millions of birds have been depopulated already in the Midwest and Eastern U.S. and the disease will continue to cause damage in the months to come. HPAI has an added concern from being zoonotic, where it can spread from animals to humans. Biosecurity remains the top protection against this disease and many others.

Biosecurity involves taking necessary steps to prevent the transmission of pathogens to animals, humans, and the environment. This applies to an individual, farm, or any level of the food supply chain and relies on accountability at each of these levels. Implementing these practices protects animals and people from developing disease, improves animal welfare, reduces production loss, and provides a safe product to support a safe food supply.

Foot and Mouth Disease 

 A critical concern to livestock industries is the potential for a Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) outbreak in the U.S. or North America to occur, which will have major adverse consequences on the U.S. cattle and other livestock industries, both economically and operationally. FMD is the most contagious viral disease that affects cloven-hooved animals (i.e., cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, wildlife). This disease causes blisters in the mouth and on the feet of these animals. It can be shed in saliva, via aerosols, or other body fluids of infected animals. Thankfully FMD does NOT affect public health or food safety so meat and milk from affected animals are safe to eat and drink. Regardless, the effects on our economy, trade, and way of life would be tremendous if this disease were to enter the U.S. or North America. 

If FMD enters North America, the U.S. losses are estimated to range from $16-$140 billion, according to a RISK ASSESSMENT published in 2015. These losses include response expenses such as personnel deployment, laboratory services, depopulation, advanced cleaning and disinfection, and lost opportunities such as lost farm income, shutting down of agricultural exports and trade, and consumer concerns. 

It is important for producers and veterinarians to know that all normal activities would be halted and limited animal movement would be implemented at the start of the outbreak to allow for Regulatory Officials to identify where the infected animals are and plan for safe movement of animals. Dynamics of the outbreak will change frequently and each state will be relying on their state animal health officials to establish quarantines, enact stop movement orders, and advise on euthanasia and disposal. 

Secure Beef Supply 

For livestock producers, having biosecurity and contingency plans (i.e., communication, managing movements, financial risk management) in place before such an event are tools that will help U.S. producers maintain their business if they are unable to market their animals during an FMD outbreak. Producers have a responsibility to protect their animals and facilities from becoming infected, which includes having an enhanced biosecurity plan, educating their family and employees, and having a contingency plan to manage through movement restrictions. For operations not directly infected by FMD or another FAD, maintaining continuity of business through an outbreak will be essential to mitigate economic impacts. 

The SECURE FOOD SUPPLY (SFS) PLANS were developed in collaboration between the livestock industries, state and federal government officials, and two universities: Iowa State University and Kansas State University. These plans provide guidance for livestock producers to voluntarily prepare before a foreign animal disease outbreak to limit exposure of their animals through enhanced biosecurity. For beef operations, the SECURE BEEF SUPPLY (SBS) plan is an voluntary, operational specific enhanced biosecurity plan with intentions of keeping the operation from being exposed or infected. In addition, animals with no evidence of infection may qualify for a movement permit which contributes to business continuity for the livestock industry, transporters, packers, and processors.

Daily Biosecurity Planning 

While preparing for a potential FAD outbreak may seem daunting, many biosecurity steps are already being taken daily on cattle operations. Biosecurity and herd health complement each other, and your herd veterinarian is an ideal team member to help prepare. Each operation should have a resource group of professionals and experts that can aid in decision making for the cattle operation and build a foundation for protective biosecurity practices. 

Annual biosecurity training for employees and visitors in control practices can reduce the risk of disease spread between animals and humans (zoonotic disease) and prioritizes public health among employees and visitors. These practices can protect the operation from lawsuits and financial loss. The following are key principles of biosecurity to remember when you are evaluating your operation. 


  • Exclusion: Complete removal of disease risks with no introduction of animals, equipment, or other risk; most effective but most difficult to implement 
  • Separation: Preventing exposure to disease by using physical means (e.g., walls, gates, distance), time (e.g., quarantine period, time between visits), or procedures (e.g., changing footwear or clothing, dedicating employees to one area of the operation) to minimize disease spread 
  • Cleaning: Removing organic matter from equipment or clothing to enhance effectiveness of disinfectants 
  • Disinfection: Proper product selection for the pathogen of concern is critical along with applying at the correct concentration and contact time; read the label of each product used 


Identifying routes of transmission of various pathogens can help protect against new or emerging infectious diseases. An animal must be exposed to these pathogens to develop disease, so understanding the routes out transmission makes it easier to gain control over the spread. To fully assess the herd risk and individual animal risk, it is important to know what pathogens are leaving the operation, entering the operation, and spreading throughout the operation. Disease agents can spread from animal to animal (within or between species) or animal to human (zoonotic), or vice versa. When assessing biological risk management, the main routes of transmission to consider are: aerosol, direct contact, fomite, oral, and vector-borne.  

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