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Seed World Group Wins Three Canadian Ag Journalism Awards

Seed World Group has won three agriculture journalism awards at the Canadian Farm Writers’ Federation (CFWF) awards which happened in Regina, Sask., on Oct. 1. The awards ceremony was held in conjunction with the CFWF annual conference.

Marc Zienkiewicz, Sonja Begemann, Ashley Robinson and Alex Martin won silver in the electronic media – video category for the Seed Speaks episode “Why do GMOs Have an Image Problem?”

Marc Zienkiewicz won silver in the electronic media – audio category for the Germination podcast “How 3 Numbers and 2 Letters Changed the Canola Game.”

Ashley Robinson won silver in the current affairs – feature category for the Spud Smart story “The Regenerative Ag Debate.”

Gold, silver and bronze awards were presented in 14 categories with winners taking home cheques of $125, $100 and $75 for gold, silver and bronze, respectfully. The winners were chosen by 22 judges from across Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom.

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We are: Keystone Agricultural Producers

Video: We are: Keystone Agricultural Producers

Founded in 1984, Keystone Agricultural Producers is Manitoba’s general farm organization, representing all Manitoba farmers across the province. Our core mission is to be the voice for farmers, addressing their most important issues. KAP is dedicated to leading progress, promoting transparency, and showcasing farmers' true impact and contribution to key audiences.