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Seeding Gets Underway In Southern Saskatchewan

It's a mix of activity in the Ag sector right now from calving and lambing, to harvest, herbicide operations and spring seeding.
Monette Farms has land throughout the Province from the Swift Current area to Regina, Prince Albert, and down into Montana.
Darrel Monette says they have a significant workforce and normally rely on Temporary Foreign Workers but this year has been able to hire local workers with people in the oil and gas sector now looking for work.
“We have about 60 employees that we employ over our operation of which usually about 20 to 30 are seasonal foreign workers that come over and help us through the growing season. They come from all over Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Britain, Ireland, generally about 14 of them in total.”
Monette notes crews started seeding operations this week adding there should be enough early moisture to start things off but they'll want to see a good rain before long.
Kevin Hursh farms in the Cabri area and started seeding some Maple Peas this week.
“We have really good surface moisture. In fact, it's probably a little wetter than it should be for ideal conditions. But in this country, you can go from wet to dry pretty quickly and it's a little later start than we often get. So, maybe pushing the envelope a little bit, but we're seeding and it's going reasonably well.”
Hursh says there's not a lot of weed growth out there yet, mainly winter annuals noting this year he'll do a burnoff after he's done seeding with some Authority Supreme for some residual control.
Market gardeners and vegetable producers have also been busy planting seed trays as they prepare for this year's crop.
Dan Erlandson is co-owner of Spring Creek Garden, 35 kilometres north of Outlook, where they operate one greenhouse and about 250 acres of vegetables growing cabbage, carrots and broccoli
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