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Seeding Nearing Completion - Crop Report

Manitoba Agriculture's Weekly Crop Report lists seeding progress at 96 per cent complete.

Frost fell over all agro-Manitoba over the course of several nights last week, with the lowest overnight temperatures in the northern Interlake, reaching -8.9°C at Narcisse for 11 hours on May 27. Warmest overnight lows were at Altona, where frost arrived for a duration of one hour at -0.1°C on May 28. Average frosts were between -1 and -3°C.

Damage from frost has been relatively limited, considering the severity and duration of cold temperatures. Most susceptible crops had not yet, or just barely emerged, meaning crop damage or reseed impact was smaller than expected, but still damaging to some producers. Reseed operations have started and nearly wrapped up for some alfalfa, canola, flax and soybean crops. The northern part of the eastern region, stretching west around Winnipeg into the southern Interlake is the area most severely affected.

Pasture and hay land has suffered disproportionately from frosts and lack of rain, regrowth is stunted and grazing land is expected to suffer further. Supplemental pasture feeding has started.

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State climatologist Gary McManus predicts a drier weather pattern for the western half of the state in the coming weeks.