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Seeding Started Early In The Province For 2024

The opening statement says warmer than normal temperatures over much of the province provided an opportunity for an early start to the 2024 crop year. 18 percent of crops provincially have now been seeded, which is ahead of both the 5 and 10 year averages. As in most year, seeding is most advanced in southern regions of the province.

As far soil moisture is concerned, 18 percent was rated as poor, 28 percent fair, 55 percent good 8 percent excellent and 0 percent excessive. Now the numbers for that report were compiled early last week, just as a big chunk of the province was getting hit with rain and wet snow, so it's likely moisture has improved in many of those regions. The seeders were out in full force across the province this weekend, so it's likely well over 18 percent of seeding is now complete.

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University of Nebraska-Lincoln Ag Economist, Elliott Dennis stops by to give us his ¢2 on the recent trends impacting the cattle markets.