One of the most important first steps of hosting the International Plowing Match and Rural Expo (IPM) is to capture the flavour … quite literally. Organizers of IPM 2020 - set for Kawartha Lakes, at and around the Lindsay Fairgrounds - have issued a call for families throughout the province to share their favourite recipes.
Recipes will be complied into a keepsake cookbook that proves to be a popular seller every year. Here’s your opportunity to have your recipes published and preserved for generations to come. Let the world know what tickles your taste buds!
Recipe categories are: Appetizers & Beverages, Soups & Salads, Vegetables & Side Dishes, Main Dishes, Breads, Desserts, Canning, and Odds & Ends. Recipes can only go in one category, so please select the most suitable one.
To submit your recipes, visit Login with username “OPA” and password “IPM2020”, then select the “Add Recipe” button. Please be sure to include your name with your submission.
Not all submissions will be included in the IPM 2020 Cookbook, though we thank everyone for their entries. In the case of identical recipes chosen, multiple submitter names will be listed. Please, don’t upload any colour photos with your recipe.
The deadline for recipe submissions is June 12, 2019. The cookbook is expected to be ready for sale during IPM 2019, to be held in Verner, West Nipissing from September 17 to 21.
IPM 2020 is scheduled to run October 14 to 17 of next year. The IPM, which is held in a different location each year,
typically attracts 80,000+ visitors to its host community. For more information about the IPM, visit
The Ontario plowmen's Association, a recognized not-for-profit organization, is the parent host of the International Plowing Match and Rural Expo.
Source : IPM 2020 News Release