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Selling food in Alberta introductory webinars

Registration is open for two introductory webinars for producers and processors that take place in May.
Alberta Agriculture and Forestry (AF) and the Chinook Applied Research Association (CARA) are presenting two introductory webinars for producers and processors interested in selling food in Alberta during the first week of May.
Local Food Market Channels - an Overview takes place Tuesday, May 5, 2020 at 2 pm.
This webinar is for producers who are considering selling food in Alberta. Eileen Kotowich, farmers’ market specialist and Karen Goad, farm direct marketing specialist with AF will discuss the scope of the local food opportunity in Alberta and market strategies for selling food products direct to consumers.
Selling Food in Alberta? Know the Regulations takes place Thursday, May 7, 2020 at 2 pm.
Eileen Kotowich and Karen Goad will give a quick review of the regulations needed to know before selling food in Alberta. They will also look at the different regulations that apply to different market channels and different types of food as well as regulatory agency roles.
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