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Senate Appropriations Committee Takes Stand For Rural America, Family Farmers

We commend Senators John Hoeven and Jeff Merkley, Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee for Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies, as well as Chairman Cochran, Ranking Member Leahy and the members of the Senate Appropriations Committee, for putting together a stellar bill that invests in American agriculture and food producing communities. Family farmers and ranchers are the backbone of our nation's rural communities, and the programs that the Committee has chosen to support through much-needed funding increases (e.g., the Food Safety Outreach Program, Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program, and Outreach and Assistance to Socially Disadvantaged and Veteran Farmers and Ranchers Program) will help to keep these communities – and our regional food systems – strong. We also appreciate the Committee's strong support for in-demand programs such as the Conservation Stewardship Program, Value-Added Producer Grants Program, FSA farm loan programs, and Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas.
We also applaud Senators Hoeven, Cochran, Merkley, and Tester for listening to food and farm stakeholders nationwide who demanded that USDA's Rural Development (RD) Mission Area not be downgraded. By fully funding the position of RD Undersecretary and directing Secretary Perdue to nominate someone to fill the position, the Senate has taken a decisive stand for rural and food producing communities. With 5000 employees, three separate agencies, 400 offices, 40 programs, and a portfolio of $225 billion dollars, USDA's RD Mission Area deserves to be managed by a full team with an Undersecretary at the helm. We urge the Administration to move quickly to nominate a Rural Development Undersecretary and look forward to their consideration by the Senate.

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Video: Tractor Pulling 2021 Big 16,000lb. Tractors Pulling At Union County West End Fair

August 7, 2021 Union County West End Fair 16,000lb. Farm Stock Tractors In action at Laurelton, Pennsylvania. Thumbnail photo is the local legend Wild Fire Oliver 2155 of the Klingler Pulling Team.