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Shapiro Administration Calls For Grant Proposals To Boost Sales And Expand Export Markets For Pennsylvania Products

Pennsylvania Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding invites proposals for projects designed to boost domestic sales and exports of Pennsylvania agricultural products. The department plans to award up to $303,000 in matching funds to PA nonprofits to reimburse up to 50% of costs for promotional and educational projects intended to increase consumer awareness and sales or expand export markets. The amount available for grants will ultimately depend on the final 2023-24 budget.

"Pennsylvania food, fiber, and hardwood products are second to none," Secretary Redding said. "The Shapiro Administration is seeking innovative marketers and educators who can help tell Pennsylvania Agriculture's story to consumers at home and around the world. These grants help Pennsylvania businesses connect with consumers, support the more than 593,000 Pennsylvanians whose jobs depend on them, and continue to feed our families and our economy."

Grants will be awarded to PA nonprofit agricultural promotion and marketing organizations for projects ranging from festivals and tourism events, to regional buy-local campaigns and statewide promotions of PA products.

Priority consideration will be given to projects that:

  • promote PA Preferred® hardwoods, dairy products, fruit and vegetables;
  • promote agritourism, Farmers Market Nutrition Programs and farm markets;
  • expand or create export markets;
  • increase food security and decrease food waste; and
  • leverage additional private or federal funds.

Complete guidelines for the Pennsylvania Agricultural Product Promotion, Education and Export Promotion Matching Grant ProgramOpens In A New Window are in the May 20 issue of the Pennsylvania Bulletin.

Grant applications must be submitted online through the PA Department of Community and Economic Development Electronic Single Application. Applications are due by at 5:00 PM on Friday, July 14, 2023.

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